Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Bach Flower Remedies for Dogs

In the 12.30 Friday class, we were discussing Bach Flower Remedies for Dogs. Whilst we were all really interested, we had limited experience of its use.  I have detailed below the remedies and the use that it is recommended for in dogs.  It would be great to hear evidence from you guys if any one of them have been used successfully. FB us with the info or leave a comment below!

Administering essences to your dog can be done in several ways.

Given by mouth, the easiest and most obvious way to do this is by putting the drops onto the food. The normal amount of drops would be 8 in the morning meal and 8 in the evening meal. You can add the drops to treats through out the day.


Adolescence in dogs starts around six months and may last up to eighteen months depending on the breed of dog.

Bach flower remedies to help:

Chestnut bud
For impulsiveness, youthful over exuberance and tending not to absorb training lesson.

For dealing with impulsiveness and rebelliousness

Walnut and Scleranthus
Used for changing hormonal levels as the dog grows, dealing with temperament.

Attention Seekers

There are many common problems related to attention seeking. The remedies will back up any training you are putting into place.

Bach Flower remedies to help:

This would be helpful for reducing a dogs cloying attention- seeking ways

If the dog appears resentful and moody

To help negate the dogs controlling behaviour


An animal can feel the feeling of loss or grief, dogs are also very affected by the grief of humans. A dog does not like it when a pack changes or acts odd.

Bach Flower remedies to help:

Star of Bethlehem
To help dogs recover from the shock of grief and loss

To brighten the emotional state when broken hearted or giving up

Sweet Chestnut
To help bring light and upbeat to a darkened mood

Wild Rose
For dogs that have given up on life

To give strength and resilience and to help move on

Emergency Situations

Emergency situations might be, being attacked, accident, serve fright, urgent medical treatment.

Bach Flower remedies to help:

Star of Bethlehem
To help dogs recover from the shock of grief and loss

Rescue remedy
The classic combination of 5 flowers to help in emergency situations. Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, and Impatiens

Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety comes in all shapes and forms. The training basis need to be address however while in training these remedies will work along side.

Bach Flower remedies to help:

This address everyday, ongoing mild fears and panic.

Rock Rose
This is used for extreme fear or terror, used for tremble, cower or just freezing within animals.

Rescue Remedy

The classic combination of 5 flowers to help in emergency situations. Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, and Impatiens

Star of Bethlehem
To help dogs recover from the shock of grief and loss

Recuperation From an Illness

Bach Flower remedies to help:

To help with unconscious fears and feelings

To help with stress and mental tension

Separation Anxiety

Bach Flower remedies to help:

This remedy can build up a sense of emotional independence which is needed if he is to feel secure alone.

Source: :http://www.thenaturalpetpantry.co.uk/bach-flower-remedies-for-dogs

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